Modeling the propensity to use a sustainable mode in the context of a program of voluntary change in travel behavior

Benedetta Sanjust di Teulada; Chandra Bhat
Transportation Research Record (2412), pp. 11-19

This paper proposes a modeling approach for evaluating the effect of a personalized travel plan on a sustainable mode choice. A panel binary probit was estimated by using the approach of composite marginal-likelihood estimation. The formulation modeled the choice of using a light rail service (versus that of not using it) by means of daily individual panel observations collected in the context of a program of voluntary travel behavior change (VTBC) before and after the provision of a personalized travel plan. In this regard, a VTBC program was a policy measure that used communication and information to encourage individuals to use more sustainable travel modes. In this study, the VTBC program was implemented by providing car users with personalized information about how to introduce the light rail service into their travel patterns.